Emergency dentist in Flanders

Toothache, dental pain, or another urgent dental issue? One thing all dental problems have in common is that you can’t predict them. They happen unexpectedly and can affect anyone—often at the most inconvenient times, like weekends or late at night. In such moments, finding an emergency dentist can be a real challenge. Anyone who has experienced this knows how difficult it can be to find quick dental assistance.

In this article, we’ll provide you with all the information you need to know if you require emergency dental care in Flanders. We hope this helps you find assistance swiftly and schedule an emergency appointment without delay.

On this page:

Emergency dentist: information for urgent dental care in Flanders

Life can throw unexpected situations at you, and immediate medical help is sometimes essential. This applies to dental emergencies too. In such cases, an emergency dentist in Flanders, Belgium, is there to provide urgent dental care, ensuring you receive treatment without delay. Dental emergencies, if left untreated, can lead to further damage and painful conditions.

When do you need an emergency dentist?

If you experience any of the following, you should contact an emergency dentist as soon as possible:

  • Severe toothache or dental pain
  • Broken or knocked-out tooth
  • Bleeding gums or soft tissues in the mouth
  • Infection or dental abscess
  • Swelling in the face, gums, or jaw
  • Lost crowns or fillings

If left untreated, these issues can worsen and may require more extensive dental treatment.

How to schedule an emergency appointment

The process of booking an emergency appointment is designed to ensure patients receive care as quickly as possible. Platforms like Tandarts.be, DentUrgent.be, and others can help patients locate the nearest emergency dentist in Flanders and schedule an urgent appointment. For temporary relief, applying sugarless gum over the affected area or taking ibuprofen can help relieve pain while waiting for treatment.

Common dental emergencies and treatments

Emergency dentists are equipped to treat a wide range of painful conditions and dental emergencies, such as:

  • Severe toothaches: Often treated with antibiotics, painkillers, or a root canal procedure to relieve pain and address the underlying issue.

  • Broken teeth or crowns: Emergency treatment may include repairs with fillings, crowns, or veneers.

  • Infections and abscesses: These require immediate attention to drain the abscess and may involve antibiotics.

  • Trauma to teeth or gums: Prompt care can minimize damage and ensure proper healing of the soft tissues.

Preventing further damage

To avoid worsening a dental emergency, contact a dentist as soon as possible. Avoid hard foods, keep the affected area clean, and refrain from self-treating with harmful substances. Dental care for emergencies is critical to prevent further damage and protect your overall oral health.


Umercency dentists for everyone

DentUrgent Gent

DentUrgent Brugge

DentUrgent Hasselt

DentUrgent Leuven

DentUrgent Dilbeek

DentUrgent Geel

DentUrgent Antwerpen


In the event of a dental emergency, knowing where to turn for immediate care is crucial. Emergency dentists in Flanders provide essential services to ensure that everyone has access to urgent dental care when needed. Websites like DentUrgent, Tandarts.be, and Apotheek Van Wacht are invaluable resources for finding available emergency dentists and booking urgent appointments.

Make sure you’re prepared and know how to access dental care quickly in emergencies. Don’t hesitate to contact an emergency dentist for immediate attention and relief. Book your emergency appointment today to ensure your dental problems are treated promptly and effectively.


Tandarts van Wacht is in Vlaanderen een service die wordt geleverd door tandartsen die beschikbaar zijn buiten normale kantooruren, meestal in het weekend en op feestdagen, om mensen te helpen die spoedeisende tandheelkundige zorg nodig hebben. Deze tandartsen die wacht hebben kunnen een breed scala aan diensten bieden, waaronder de behandeling van kiespijn, gebroken tanden, bloedend tandvlees en meer.

Websites zoals DentUrgent.be en Tandarts.be bieden informatie over beschikbare tandartsen voor noodgevallen in België.

Dringende behandelingen kunnen variëren van het behandelen van een afgebroken tand tot het aanpakken van ernstige kiespijn en infecties.

Heeft u één van de volgende tandheelkundige spoedgevallen? Dan kunt u het beste niet langer wachten en de tandarts van wacht bellen als uw eigen tandarts niet beschikbaar of niet open is:

  1. Zeer ernstige kiespijn;
  2. Gebroken of uitgeslagen tand;
  3. Bloedend tandvlees;
  4. Infectie of tand- of tandvleesabces;
  5. Zwelling van het gezicht of tandvlees;

Ja, er zijn spoed tandartsen beschikbaar in België die 24/7 tandheelkundige hulp kunnen bieden voor dringende mondzorg.